
About the Foundation

About the CCBC Foundation


Why give?

For more than fifty years CCBC has transformed the lives of students throughout the community. A single parent who is returning to the classroom for the first time in 20 years. The high school student who is participating in CCBC’s acclaimed High School Academy program. A dedicated worker who was recently laid off and has found new direction in CCBC’s nursing or process technology programs. The first-time student who is stepping out into the world for the very first time and is exploring exciting possibilities through our business, arts, sciences and technology programs.

Through the generosity of donors and friends, the CCBC Foundation supports students where and when they need it the most. Your gift will make a difference in lives across campus and throughout the community.


The CCBC Foundation

Incorporated in 1977, the CCBC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit entity that receives gifts on behalf
of the Community College of Beaver County, manages and invests those funds and administers them
in accordance with donor wishes.  To achieve CCBC’s priorities, the CCBC Foundation provides leadership
to raise private sector funds and exercises stewardship of assets. The CCBC Foundation is led by a dedicated
board of volunteer directors.


Chairperson: Mr. Jay Bullie, ‘71, Jay Bullie Insurance Agency, Inc.

Vice-Chairperson: Ms. Laura McGortey, ‘88, Synovus

Member at Large: Mr. Michael Marr, Encina

Past Chairperson: Dr. Jane Bovalino, Superintendent, Rochester Area School District

Ms. Jaclyn Berg, Bucar Group

Ms. Melinda Callan

Mr. Michael Crudden, ‘02, Rosalind Candy Castle

Captain Dana Donati, ‘01, Breaking Down Barriers

Dr. Cheryl King, Franklin Center of Beaver County

Mr. John Mascaro, Jr, Mascaro Construction

Mr. Glenn Natali, LaRoche College

Mr. Eli Shorak, University of Pittsburgh, Retired

Dr. Brandon Smith, Smith Chiropractic & Wellness

Ms. Lisa Vesolich, Point Park University

CCBC Board of Trustees Representatives

Mr. Harry Kunselman, Board of Trustees Chair

Mr. Frederick ‘Fritz’ Retsch, Educator, Retired

CCBC Administrators and Staff

Dr. Roger W. Davis, President

Ms. Leanne Condron, ‘00
Interim Executive Director, CCBC Foundation
Associate Director of Advancement and Sponsored Programs

Mr. Dennis Zeh, Treasurer, CCBC Foundation
and CCBC Chief Financial Officer